Ok, so the assassin wasn't Gex. Unless he managed to play his own death and commit suicide that is... I have no idea who could be, therefore, I...
I'll tell you, there's only 1 way to kill archoan. And that is with a nice sturdy bat. That is of course if he doesn't pass his Ld-test......
:jawdrop: I shall steal his base-idea and fail so horribly no one will EVER recognise it! :D Cheers!
That IS green soap. :D Anyhow, as for only paint removal I would recommend methylated spirits, or T-röd in Swedish. Works wonders, but is...
Yes, continue please. It is after all a funny game. :) Cheers!
Find a new company, buy some new models, paint them, continue studying. Cheers!
*Gathers general opinion gained through this thread* RG's are useless. We should get to upgrade our TG's to Strewart instead. Cheers!
Why is there a stick on it's foot? I don't remember mine having any of those... :shifty: Nice idea anyhow, but I'll likely not steal it... For...
Well... Just a few topics(4-ish) down there's a thread with the exact same purpose as this one. I'll even post a link. :)...
Ah, I see. Well it's a good idea but it IS a bit costy, just for that... But well, you get fancy protective supah powahs too. :jimlad: Cheers!
Explain how non-dispel-able spells will make it easier for you to get Charm of the jaguar warrior off. :shifty: Oldblood+shield+light...
I won't agree that it's nice until you show the pics of it's based state. Besides, you should have gotten around to taking a pic of it anyway......
I have no need in explaining why I would be better than you. So, I'm bettah than you! :meh: Cheers!
I did find an arrow after a while, but can't be bothered to take a pic of it... Just imagine a brown arrow with white feathers on the shield......
[attach] There's my half-arsed attempt at assembling my full army... There should be 2 20man blocks of Saurus but I don't have all my bases. Cheers!
Breaker fluid... Can be water, mostly water. Drench the model(Or piece) you want to remove in the water then put it in the freezer. Water expands...
Sorry if it's getting slower... I've been on the busy side lately, thus haven't bothered really... So apparently killing the Lurkers wasn't a...
Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica *Glances over the posts again* I really shouldn't post when I've been eating ice cream with lots of sugary stuff......
Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica @Ench shield thingy. It was however the 3 guys at my LGC who pointed it out, and since it doesn't say shield anywhere...
Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica I had a shield, Enchanted shield is surprisingly armour and not a shield. However, regardless of if it would or...