This came up in a recent game against a high elf player and we where both stumped. He cast Flames of the Phoenix on my Temple Guard with...
Depends entirely on the situation. Though I admit most of the time I use shields as my TG are rarely the ones to press the attack. In fact a game...
Lizards don't have to live in jungle. For example, one of the places real life Lizards are most dominant in is desert. There is no reason you...
What a poser... 6 are 20% better in combat 6 have 20% more wounds (20% better survivability) BUT 6 have 20% worse manoeuvrability 6 cost 20%...
Awesome :D I can so imagine that skink being the sole survivor of his unit to hold up a Hydra on insane courage (or something like that).
In my army I have many targets for missile fire (2 units of 13 saurus and 2 lone salamanders). With skink skirmishers blocking my 5 cold one cav...
The EoTG is one of those units that if you didn't get to use, you won anyway. Often merely having it stand just behind a unit that can take a...
Yes. Doom and Darkness is as epic spell, particularly when we have a "take a test" unit like Salamanders. When I'm not against ItP armies I pretty...
Thanks for the reply mate. This is the reason second opinions are so great. In hindsight, ALL my units are move vulnerable to shooting the Slann...
I preffer games where the winner is the one who played the best, not the one that played the suprise card.
This talk about the superiority of armour makes me wonder. Is the enchanted shield worth it? I normally take this: Saurus Scar Veteran – Burning...
Maybe so. I myself won't give up Plaque of Tepok (and a better chance of getting the spell for real) for it. Do you play in closed lists? That...
The list has no replies, implying that either: 1. List is perfect :pompus: 2. I am boring :artist: 3. I am scary (BOH GA BO GAH) :jawdrop:
I think you have gone to far in your magic'ness. I know that here in Australia you are pretty much termed a "banned" army with any 2 digit number...
I definitely agree with you that Salamanders>Razadons simply due to the "must stand and shoot" special rule. I will definitely be taking 2 lone...
I've final sat down and made a "proper" list with the new army book. Keep in mind this is suposed to be played in the Australian comp environment...
I have become to lazy for reading. I loved reading Terry Pratchett, but I seem to have read them all :rolleyes:
*Hisssss* The brightness... it burns...
Its important to remember that they don't really have the 'dwarfy' elements of the dwarf list, most notably Longbeards, Quarellers, Ironbreakers,...
Good old Podhammer. :) Gratz! :D