FAQ says no. http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m220263a_LizardmenFAQJuly2009.pdf Yes, a forest is an excellent place to...
You can't assume you're Slann will always be out of LoS (and you'd have to casting Magic Missiles only through Priests and would never be able to...
Nah, I wouldn't get Plaque of Protection. Bane Head is to awesome to not get. Plus, you'd spending 30 points to change his 4+ ward to a 2+ against...
I've done it in previous editions and have been thinking about it again. I'm thinking you could just place your Slann in the middle with Higher...
I've got it: 2250 points Saurus Oldblood - Horn of Kygor Skinks - 133 skinks Skinks - 133 skinks Skinks - 134 skinks
I think the problem is not as great as it seems. If the you're opponent is screening his Deathstar with Zombies, shoot (or even drop rock) the...
Hang on, hang on... Scoring warriors. Why would you ever want guants? (appart from a few spineguants to give all your warriors cover :D )
I'm game.
I think they're best used on an Ancient Steg with Warspear or if you have a slot free a cheap (~90 pts) march blocker who can also put 3 S5...
Slann thought it was part of the Old Ones plan? Or... A warband raided Lustria, stole something important, then went to Mordhiem and got 'lost'...
Of course they would be Order! It's far more farfetch that the Dark Elves let Greenskins into their cities then it is for the Slann to sit out...
I played WAR for about a month and got to leveled to about tier 3 but then unsubscribed (so I could do well in school). I'll might resubscribe...
I no longer own a copy of the O&G army book, but I'm pretty sure you only get extra DD equal to your rank bonus. Ergo, when you are flanked you...
This would be my list and is also in rank order (though I voted for tier 2 before I filled it in): 1. Daemons of Chaos 2. Dark Elves Vampire...
RAWR!!!1 Where has my S7 gone!
So far everyone has talked about Character combos and such, which definitely valid, but the number one thing that will bring you victory here is...
'Ardboyz is that American tournament that has no restrictions right? Why not take 2 Slann, 4 EoTG, 40 Skink Skirmishers and a couple of Terradons...
I never take musicians in Saurus units. Here are my justifications: Saurus need no help rallying. LD8 on 3 dice is plenty. If the enemy has a...
Its very hard when I do those roots ;) [On a related note; Particle Physics gives me a Hadron... :D ]
If we pass off an oppertunity to kill, not only do we have no votes to analyse (the surest proof of guilt is a record of voting in concert with...