Its a bloomin' scone! Silly Americans! A Scone:,0.jpg These are biscuits....
Do you mean an English Muffin?
Hmmm... I'm suprised I have no yet met my maker at the bottom of the deep blue yet, despite my long slumber in the hold. Very kind of you good...
As long as you make sure its the last spell that wizard casts that turn it either come down immediately, in the opponents next turn or at the...
Lol, the mutiniers have a sense of humor. Poor Celtic missed the first game, and now they've killed him first night of the second game.
Heck, if my friends wouldn't kill me for it I'd bring 4 EoTGs!
It is important to make sure that an EoTG is never in a prolonged combat. If it couldn't break the unit in the first turn, it probably won't do it...
From the perspective of in game effectiveness, I think giving light armour, shield and a spear is the best option. His main purpose is to cheaply...
How much terrain are you playing with? There should be enough terrain so your Terradons can deploy out of sight, move 20" into cover halfway up...
I'm in again. Whats the hoped participant numbers and the ratio of assassins (mutineers in this setting?)?
Lol. 'Natural' sugar with no carbon in it? You could try making some interesting things with silicon, though it wouldn't be very natural at all...
6x2 with no command for me. I've always been an fan of MSU.
"...all subsequent rolls of a one to hit or to wound..." Either interpretation makes sense. I've always played it as rerolling hits and wounds.
Magic Missile horse and then float away from him casting Lore of Gold till all his snazzy gear is gone.
I don't think you have a chance against Vampires if they are played effectively. 3-4 Vampire lords with Forbidden Lore casting Wind of Undeath...
You could give the Saurus one of those Naginata do-dads and count it as a spear.
Hurry up and die quicker! :meh: That way we can start a new game.
Krakkakoldi, almost all tournaments in Australia now have comp marked by a nonparticipating panel. You're no longer at the whim of a vengeful...
Against skaven I would go for death. Doom and Darkness should be attempted every turn (normally on the enemy general) as should the two magic...
Re: Sarus Scar-Vet Tactica Don't forget toughness 5 and a 5+ scaly skin save! To me these are the most important advantages in my characters...