Temple Guard are breed to defend the Slann, they have almost no independant thought (so would be bad commanders). Saurus are breed for both...
Most Vampire players in my region whack on Dread Knight even if they are planning on playing defensively. For XX points the Vampire suddenly has a...
The box at the bottom of page 93 in the army book covers who can be the Battle Standard Bearer.
Aquatic plants also make for nice bases for lizardmen. Take a look at this thread...
Overall trying to make a dedicated combat unit out of skinks, no matter what you add to them, is folly. The skinks are free combat res for the...
A Slann would help immensly. Chuck a bane head and give him metal and the enemy Lord (who invariably has a very good armour save) is constantly in...
Consider this; rather then 5 wounds of swarm you could be getting 4 wounds of Saurus. You lose unbreakable and some speed. However, you gain alot...
Yes! It must be done. Good luck with the eyes... :jawdrop:
What?! How is that OTT? I think they must have misread the cohort units as more skirmishers. All skirmisher could be argued to be unfair, but not...
Other then the four Chaos gods... And the Elf and Eldar gods...
Last edition the plural of Kroxigor was 'Kroxigor', but most people used either term 'Kroxigors' anyway. Now it is officially 'Kroxigors'.
Hmm... Lets compare it to a High Elf Noble on eagle with Reaver Bow. Noble - Eagle, Reaver Bow, Dragon Armour, Lance, Shield (possibly Talisman...
Remember that with the Burning Blade he also has magical and flaming attacks. This is increasingly more important with the rise of regeneration...
Small fast characters are good for hunting Warmachines. The new JSoD (with a 28" first turn charge :D ) is a good choice, combining him with a...
I like having the ability to sacrifice units for great goals (for instance, fleeing with a saurus unit of 10 to get a flank with a second unit of...
Of course, you can just purchase a Slann and use Steed of Shadows instead.
Its called Burning Alignment. Argueing that Burning Alignment is does not cause flaming hits is like argueing that magic weapons can't wound...
If you have a Slann its not to hard. Either take Lore of Shadow and spam Pit of Shades on them (they have I1 :D ) or take Lore of Fire and go for...
A model in close combat does not automatically lose its LoS (unless there is a rule hiding somewhere I haven't seen) so a Large Target or a model...
Not so. The enemy can attack the Slann with US5 of models.