The wings came from a very old set of plastic minis that GW used to sell. I think they were 8 in a box, and they had different themes. Some were...
That is a fantastice conversion :D It looks so natural and well balanced! Very ingenious. He will look great with his skink bodyguards. What...
This was another big project started earlier this year, scratch sculpting some ancient stegadons which could be used as EotG's or giant blowpipes....
This little guy is actually the general of my "Core Cometency" list. It is a tournament held here in Chicago each year which requires that 1000...
This unit (a total of 3 salamanders and 9 handlers) won a Silver this year for WFB Regiment at Chiacgo Games Day. :P I will post some more...
Hey there guys... Yes, it's been a loooooong time since I last posted :oops: I have been insanely busy with all the various projects. However,...
Yes, my wife and I have been at the last two Golden Demons in Chicago, which is where we are from :meh: To make our bases, we use a variety of...
Thanks for all the kind words! :P The bases were done using a layer of cork, with a layer of baked sculpey on top of that. Once the sculpey has...
I don't own any metallic paints, so everyhting is NMM :D Also, my training is as a watercolor artist/portrait painter, etc., and there are no...
This project took about 70-80 hours. It would be less difficult if I were to try it again today ;) This time, I would probably bake individuall...
This was a project I did back in 2004. It was one of two lizardman temples I built. They were made from a bakeable clay called sculpey. The...
Here are some indivdual views of those saurus cavalry minis: [attach] [attach]
Thanks for all the kind words! :D I am still trying to figure out what size I need to make the piictures so that they are not too small. Here's...
Hello to all :D I am newcomer to Lustria :D Some of you might recognize me from Cool Mini or Not and other painting sites. I started...