If the Carnosaur takes up a hero slot it take up a maximum character slot too, I can't see the issue or ambiguity here.
You don't get a charge reaction against an overrun, but a fleeing unit still has to flee away. It they weren't fleeing they would have to hold.
The edge of the wood is irrelevant. A unit can only see 2" through a wood. If both units are in the wood but more than 2" away from each other,...
En masse maybe, but otherwise not much 'cause you are usually hitting on fives. I don't use the Cauldron 'cause it is too expensive for what it does.
Actually you can make a Vampire Counts army in the same way you can make a Dwarf army.
Didn't realize that the pics weren't up yet, so allow me to share: Saurus BSB [attach] Chazak [attach] Razordons and Kroxigor [attach]...
Lucky question as I also play Dark Elves. For combat heavy I use Dreadlord on a Dragon, Caddy, Assassin, 5 Shades, 18 Black Guard with the ASF...
We're not fighting, we're swapping information in a peculiar manner ;)
I'm actually used to playing without SCR, my other armies being Chaos cavalry and a mainly cavalry Dark Elves list. Some blocks wouldn't be too...
With the Ancient Powers, it is possible to make a Slann almost identical to the old 2nd generation, and still for much much cheaper.
Look back through those Warseer rumours and you will find what I just told you. Yet I got it from a completely different source, so that's two...
Mazdamundi Kroak Kroq'gar Tiktaq'to Chazak Albino Saurus There's also three Skink characters, one of which rides a Palanquin, a Chameleon...
Howdy. I started my Lizardmen army about two months ago. Never got much of a chance to try it out yet, but I think I should post my army here....
Sarcasm I assume? Anyway, the new Lizardmen book will have ten special characters as well, it's becoming a trend.