Seeing as how skinks are present in pretty much every Lizardmen army out there, I thought I'd post up some neat tricks you can use them for. Maybe...
some general advise is to maximize the amount of Ld checks he has to make outside the range of his general. other than that O&G can be so diverse...
for him to take more than one unit of peg. knights his general has to be mounted on a royal pegasus, make sure this is the case or he is messing...
step 1: take a 2 Slann in one list, as well as a skink priest step 2: fill in the rest of your points with kroxies and skinks (but mostly skinks)...
If you don't want to buy the metal model, just use greenstuff to modify your plastic saurus model into a suitably heroic looking scar-vet. Things...
Those are solid tabletop-quality paintjobs with nice use of highlighting, nothing to be ashamed of! You're too hard on yourself. you're not a bad...
Nice job on the cleanup! Having played beastmen for several years though, I can tell you that was a pretty soft list. two big beastherds are easy...
Congrats on the win. It's always nice to use a sneaky ploy every once and again (courtesy of huanchi).
I like what I see, good colour selection, but on the saurus you need to highlight up the edges of the scales to a brighter yellow but leave the...
I gave it a three, but you could easily bump that to a four if you cleaned up the metal bits. Use thinner coats of paint. also, some chestnut ink...
I think their magic mastery is shown by their being able to take any lore they want...although empire can do that too...sucky deal. A lizardmen...
Halifax comedy fest is almost worth making the trip all the way over there.
thanks guys! Yeah my records are good, but I'll be honest, I don't have too many really competitive opponents in my area. Still though I have a...
Give me a fight against slaanesh, tzeentch, or khorne any day, but I HATE Nurgle daemons! They are the toughest ones to beat IMO. Whole blocks of...
It can be a bit tough and require some careful maneuvering, but the trick is to pick when you're going to fight. Almost NEVER engage swordmasters...
Hey, just wondering where most of the members are based. I'm from Alberta in Canada.
hey everyone I'm just planning on starting up a new lizzie army, so I was wondering what are a few ''must haves'' that I can't go wrong in buying...
Hey everyone, Apollo3 here. A little about me: I have been playing WHFB for about 5 years now, about 2 years with orcs and goblins, then the past...