Thanks for commenting! For the claws, probably a dark bone colour, with a few Devlan Mud washes.
This is a WIP shot, but I wanted to snap a pic before I lost the light of the day (I really need to set-up a light-box or something). I think this...
Buy option #1
Did you know he's originally from a wordless Japanese comic?
Found it! Thanks.
1.) Where(what page) are the rules for mixed Skink/ Kroxigor units? 2.) Do I still need to take a minimum of 3 Krox even if I just want to put...
Yeah, since the photo, I've done that and also sharpened-up the black edges. Over-all I'm pretty happy with them & I'm looking forward to Trying a...
I was just about to do this same thing for my Temple Guard! Great minds think alike, I guess :) Can't wait to see pictures!
AAaaah, yeah I've been to Inland Empire. You guys do have L.A.-style breathing out there. Hahaha.
Pictures are still crap, but hopefully they look a little less like just "black lumps" than they did in that harsh, direct sunlight from...
easy GOLD: Scorched Brown/ Tin Bitz (1/1) Shining Gold (Drybrush) Devlan Mud Wash (not everywhere, just on the foot of the gold area, skip this...
I just want to model some drums onto a mini, but I don't wanna put 'em on the wrong model & end up leaving him at home all the time. Something...
Oh werd? Are you in the high desert then? Hesperia, Apple Valley? My wife's from out near there.
Do you use them? Who gets them: Cold One cavalry? Saurus Wariors? Skinks?
Got both guys painted up. Too dark for any more pictures tonight. That Tamiya Clear Red looks GRUESOME on the heart. I had fun painting these two...
Thanks, Dude. Where in Cali are you?
Wow! I love those horned Skinks! Great colour scheme & innovative conversion! Great job! (You deserve more cake, I think)
I still have to dot the eyes, and paint a couple more little reptiles that are crawling on him, but I'd say he's about 90% done. This is my 3rd...
Few quick questions: 1.)how many points is this list? 2.)what does "saurus warriors: 38 with full command. Hw/sh" mean? 3.)would 2 Sally's be...
I believe it refers to duplicate UNITS, so you could take 2 Rare units of 3 salamanders (6 total), but not 3 Rare units of 2. Make sense?