My Slann is named Xannibal; and he loves it when the Old One's plan comes together.
Thanks! I've got to go to an acupuncture appointment for a bit, but I'll be back on soon.
I tried painting both these guys yesterday & HATED the two colour combinations I came up with, so they took a bath in simple green, & today we...
Leaping Lizards! I love the action poses :)
Welcome, Jay! (just a heads-up: when posting pictures, use the pic tabs, not the Img ones)
I have yet to play a game of Fantasy Battle, but I'm aaaaaall about Terradons. Little men riding flying dinosaurs? Are you kidding me? I'm not...
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!
COWARD! j/k! But seriously, I think this is a super fun aspect of the hobby that Warhammer Fantasy has over 40K, and I'm surprised more people...
( I'm new here, if this has been discussed before, please, just show me the link) What do you guys use for Unit Fillers? I looked online for some...
Re: 1st List Thank you so much, Tlanxla! I'm kinda embarrassed I missed that Lord rule :oops: .... which reminds me (I should probably be...
Re: 1st List I want to use Terradons, but I've heard that only using 3 isn't very effective, sooo I doubled up on them to support each other. The...
Re: 1st List (please help!)
I think we'd all prefer that to the buck-tooth cold-ones that out cavalry come with. Does Skiv post here? Chouette, très joli travail! Bravo, Skiv!
oooooooh, he's handsome! He WOULD make a fine Kroxigor.
I have been playing with some ideas for a 1500 Point Army and this what I could come up with. Any C&C is appreciated! Lord/General: Slann...
I hadn't even considered an ALL Terradon list.... but no, as long as I have a few of those models in there I'm content. I don't need an all...
Ooops! Sorry, I thought maybe since I was working on my list... and it was related to unit selection that I was in the right spot? (my bad)....
Okay, first off: sorry this is a total noob question! (I'm still trying to get a feel for the dynamics of this army) My Question: I'm pretty...
I'm at the point where I'm trying to assemble an army, and I'm curious about how to kit-out my skinks too. Half & half?