Welcome! And, as a welcome, I have a question. What did you do for your razordon's flesh? I very much like that look.
Ya, I didn't think the picture made much sense, but I like the idea of hurling flaming frogs at your enemies. Especially a Slaan doing it, 'cause,...
Okay, I actually finished these a few days ago, but had a hard time getting the camera/computer to take/upload pics. Anyway, here they are. I...
Looking good. When I first saw that last picture I thought the stegadon was a giant gummy bear or something. Now that I know otherwise though, I...
If you brush the undercoat on, you have to make sure it is not too thick. If you don't water it down at least a little, in my experience, it...
I quite like your lizards. What I do for my skins is dark angels green for the eye, and a warlock purple pupil (say that 5 times fast...) and I...
Re: 300 point club - June Submissions due July 7th! Well, the friend I am buying those figs from didn't have them ready, but he should (say...
Re: 300 point club - June Submissions due July 7th! I should be getting the rest of the figs I bought late tonight. Probably paint the...
Yeah. This is June.... not sure what I'm doing for July yet.... although I did just come into a lot of lizardmen. A friend decided he wanted to go...
*Stares at thread with interest and expectation* Can't wait to see what you do with your models.
EoTG is done, now I just need to take pics.... EDIT: Pics Taken. No to upload them..... Edit 2: Okay, now to show you the pics. Front Shot:...
Or if you have a whole bunch of skinks, you could do both. Extremely tedious, but then you would have stone-based skinks for your krox units, and...
Must.... Finish..... skinks...... lol
I just painted mine assembled. What I recommend is that you just get brush that is fairly thick and has a bit of length to paint the bit of the...
Re: 300 point club - May Submissions due by June 7th! I am very eager to see the slann.
Re: 300 point club - May Submissions due by June 7th! Well, this month I'm gonna be painting my EOtG. I've finished the stegadon, now I just...
Also, dwarves and their rune of furnace. A dwarf lord in gromril losing his AS is awesome.... unless they are flaming attacks.... The guy I play...
I know this was a few posts back, but I agree that the skull could use some more detailing. Something that I have seen that works very well is to...
Re: 300 point club - May Submissions due by June 7th! Okay. Cut it kinda close, but after 3 days of frantic painting, and an evening of frantic...
Personally, I love the Engines. You charge in with your saurus, and then flank charge, or squeeze into the front alongside the saurus if you need...