Frenzy doesn't as it is in the rule book and there is nothing to say rule book trumps rule book. I'm not saying pf works with SA. I am saying...
Yeah I was just pointing out the only other rule I could find that said whenever a model ...... I still think logically whenever means whenever...
Well I guess I am retarded because I see a contradiction . Take cold blooded : Whenever a model blah blah blah rolls 3 dice for leadership...
All this focus on one model . He wont be alone Ive seen a 2000 point list that still has 10 ick ,4 demigryphs ,steamtank and 3x10 archers and a...
I was at a tournement back in october and heard a couple of guys talking about it. like i said take with all the salt in the world
c am easily start kroak behind the unit and the scarvet in the unit. Then on my first turn move kroak in. was thinking of a scar vet/oldblood...
So he makes a unit he joins -1 to hit for combat and shooting but does this effect characters with the unit aswell. Say I have a scar vet in...
Take with all the salt in the world but this weekend I heard that lizards are going be teaming up with skaven .
I have not used saurus in core since using these skink blocks. They are faster moving , they can shoot and there are so many high strength...
Ive had a lot of fun with a hoard or 2 of skink cohorts with poison attacks. 50-60 in hoard. move them up shoot 20 poison shots . then when they...
I use kroxogres . Get a box of iron guts and make them lustrian ogres. Replace their gut plate with a saurus shield (some green stuff required)...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) looking at the nagash model , it is on one of the big monster bases. Maybe maz will come on a...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) I know what he says " From this moment and all through the ages you must use predatory...
so with the recent rumour that there are gonna be set allies and it starts with vamps and tombkings . Who do you think will be lizardmen allies
Perhaps your right about conflict. But let me add this if it were that simple there would be no need for page 11. If it were to say this part of...
just like when PF says WHENEVER a model with this rule rolls a 6 to hit :D you agreeing there is no conflict in my example in above post...
I disagree that you need a reference to SA in order for conflict. If PF said this ...... Whenever a model with this special rule rolls a 6 to...
Sleboda as much as I respect your opinion , the monstrous support rule does not need page 11 as it is not a conflict (in my opinion ofcourse )...
It was a joke crillaz . Of course it's not a massive advantage. That's why I don't understand all this fuss
You are correct that the Sa rule does say ignore special rules. But the special rule says whenever a 6 is rolled etc etc. So if I were to follow...