the ethereal slann has the unstable rule. if he loses combat he loses a wound for each point he loses combat by. Does he also test to flee as the...
Can someone with the deamon book tell me if fiends of slanesh have a min unit size. On army builder it auto puts 3 in and you cant take any away....
there is a conflict , it does not need to say supporting attacks benefit all models have pf (where they stand does not change this) so the...
First I want to say I completely agree its only first rank but I want to point out something about what you said BRB - No special rule can...
with a unit of beasts of nurgle do you roll the number of attacks seperatly (d6) for each one
Exactly like the title says anyone got any swamp bases I would like to see and a description of how you achieved it . cheers
silly question but are the attacks from the egg of quango magical
forgot to say has to be on foot
with the skinks if you look t how their legs are some have right leg forward some have left leg forward. you should be able to rank them like this...
non bsb can not take magic banners and kroq-gar can not join coldones as he is riding a monster. woc is tough for us. but a slann is your best...
whats the best oldblood build you guys can come up with for fighting other characters
Is there anyway to get this without ipad?
god dam these f ing things ive had to make one as a chief as the champ one is well out of position. when you say you glued the collars did you...
I got a pretty good result buy base coating light sea blue (via air brush) over the whole model and then giving it a wash of druchii violet...
anyone ?
got some questions about putting together ripperdactyls 1. whats the deal with the collars ? it says not to glue them to the neck. I have put 2...
yeah totally forgot about empire knights having ws4 , alright they are t3 but they have 1+ armour
If cold ones went in core why would they have to lose ws4. chaos warriors are ws5 for crying out loud as are their chariots and are silver helms...
are you guys actually lizardmen players or not. Coz it seems like your trying to hamstring us. Ofcourse all models benefit from it. Ive played one...
im sure its under monsterous cav rules that you always use the highest wound and toughness characteristics