keep seeing these posts about PF not working for supporting attacks. So do we have to roll separate dice for front row and supporting attacks,...
well said. I admit that I lost to nerd rage over the salamanders the other day but they are not so bad. This release has been very up and down....
I saw either on here or warseer that kroq-gar passes his ward save to grymlock his carno maybe oldbloods can the same
wasn't gonna read any spoilers but couldn't help my self. alittle disappointed with the skrox things but thinking about it im sure most oponents...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] I would like to apologise for my nerd rage over the salamander for some reason I has...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] FFS slow to f ing fire are they joking salamanders are now un useable. move them to...
Sorry if this has been noticed but I'm on my phone and can't read all pages but Sally's and razordons are now montorous beasts instead of war...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 26/07] wouldn't you just dam well believe it every other army has their preorders up before...
cant believe there is no other pics up yet. Surly it cant be those brush 4 hire guys are the only ones with a copy
be cool if the bastiladon is our version of the steam tank 10 wounds 1+as lol
if this is indeed accurate then I am no longer disappointed. just hope they all look good
just found this
gorroks only problem in the last book was his point cost. but if that list is true it is very disappointing. heres hoping the terradons and the...
If the price is the same as the phoenix does that mean it wont be on the big bad ass monster base (terrorghiest/stonehorn) . I hope that there is...
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza ("Slaan" added!) awesome work may I ask what you use for ground coverage on your bases (dark brown stuff) also do...
does everyone remember that in the big BRB fluff section for empire it mentioned their demigryph knights. Well maybe we can use the lizardmen...
funny thing in my last few battles I made the mistake of thinking sallys only had 2 wounds :oops:
mine is exactly the same (never broken) although I did have the round flying base I didn't use it as I was new to the hobby and didn't realise I...
thanks guys but I think ive found a way to get the look I want. I use lustrian undergrowth with a nuln oil wash then a drybrush with a sickly... these type of leaves interest me. not so much the...