A portion of this conversation was taken from another thread - The other advantage TG have over saurus is the sacred duty rule. basically if you...
Is that right? I was under the impression that the Slann had to move to the 1 rank is there were less than 5 Rank and File Models. Meaning that...
Interesting idea. I had a battle against Daemons where I was trying to direct my Old Blood with the Blade of Realities at his Blood Thirster but...
I was thinking about putting the Skink Chief on a Horned One with my mounted Old Blood and put them both in a unit of Cold One Cav. Anyone care...
I am certain someone else has thought of this combo - Banehead + Power Scroll + Cupped Hands
You are correct about the Skink not being General, my Slann of Life will be the general. The 18" inches inspiring presence is the range from the...
Ahhh, thanks Grant must have missed that one.
I was thinking the same thing after creating this post. Plus I can Steed the Slann out if there looks like there is going to be trouble. My...
Don't understand what you mean when you say "We have no Power Scroll where I am" did you mean Power Stones? Or do you have a different set of...
I see the biggest problem for a Horde of Saurus is things like Pit of Shades and Dwellers. Nothing like having to make 60 Initiative tests on a 1;...
Unless I'm missing something, skinks don't have any special rule regarding multiple shots. If skinks double tap with blow pipes, they do take a...
Slann - Naked - Lore Master Life Slann - Naked - Lore Master Death Chief BSB on Ancient with War Spear (18" inspiring presence!) 25 Saurus with...
I had a similar idea of putting the Skink Chief on the Terradon just so I can jet him to wherever there might be the need for LD re-rolls. I was...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower sweet.
Nope worked out great, opponent actually ended up dropping Abomination last and on the other side of the table, in the end it was taken down by a...
If I mount my Old Blood on a Horned One (which does not suffer from stupidity) and place him in a unit of Cold One Cav is he now subject to...
The special rule of the weapon is that is does not cause wounds unless the victim makes all his Leadership tests. The model is just outright...
Not with Blade of Realities - One failed LD test and the target is picked up off the table, no save of any kind allowed. The victim is sucked...
Turn 1 - Spider Dead. next on the hit parade - Saturday - Hell Pit Abomination Sunday - Gorgon
So here is my Old One build that I am using against O&Gs tonight Blade of Realities Carnosaur Pendant Potion of Foolhardiness (+1 A) Light...