Reason Cupped Hands did not work: We were playing a scenario where there was a fog that blocked line of sight for 14". So on the 1st turn I could...
Another follow up report on this - Slann using Lore of Life, Mystery and Rumination Tabled High Elves on turn 4 Beat Ogres in 5 turns. Lost...
Six one half dozen the other on running 2 or 3 Sallys in a unit. I personally run 2, but I could see the potential bonus having 3 and using them...
Double Rumination - hmmmmm? nasty extra 2 dice to cast with. (if that works like that would have to research farther) As for Double Fire, kind of...
Just played a very similar list of High Elves, plus he took a total of 7 characters (A Prince, 3 Mages and a few other random heroes). I used...
If Tehehuian can take other magic items you should also take the Plaque of Topek (15 points to know 1 more spell will give you a better chance of...
Sorry was unaware of the special character Tehehuian using lore of beasts. So sweet go for it!
Unfortunately, for all of us you have dreamed of doing the exact same thing, the Slann can not us the Transformation spell, they address in the...
Around here most folks don't put heroes in horde units. You see Hordes like these or some variation of: 18 - 20 Trolls (gives like 45 attacks...
Higher State of Consciousness Ethereal Slann with Crown of Command LD 9, Cold Blooded, Stubborn, Ethereal Charge the toad into a Death Star...
If you ask anyone at my local game shop here in San Diego, they would say "Lizardmen using the Lore of Life are beyond broken." That being said...
Big Fan of the Chief on Ancient Stegadon with the War Spear (2d6+1 S6 Impact hits what is not to love) Of course he is a 300+ point giant...
You are correct my mistake on the Scar Vet. Either you run an Old Blood with both magic items or a Scar Vet with 4+ Ward Save Heavy Armor from...
Lore of Death can still cherry pick the Slann out of the second rank of TG. And a Dwarf Rune Cannon (S10) with a 5pt Rune of Burning counts as...
San Diego CA.
Lore of Life and Lore of Light Here is the Stack/Combo Life: 1. Throne of Vines 2. Flesh to Stone (+4 T) Light: 3. Speed of Light (WS 10; In...
Slann have to join a unit of TG but only 1 Slann can be in a unit of TG at anytime. So if you took 2 units of TG then the second Slann has to go...
2200 Tournament List I have been having great success with this list in some form or another so I thought I would share. I tend mix up the magic...
My thought was put 1 in a unit of temple guard and make the other a ghost Slann (Higher State of Consciousness) and stick him behind that unit....
I use Lore of Life and keep my Slann with in 12” of my Ancient Stegadon. Auto healing by Life blooming wounds off a Stubborn Steg is a wonderful...