Same page as the spell, pg. 168.
Even though O&G have low Init, it is still higher than our saurus. I play against a similar horde list with a block of savage orc big'uns with 2 x...
Unless, of course, you spent some gold on a shiny new crown of command. In that case, you will be holding up the enemy death star just about until...
In the initial description, the problem described was twofold: 1) insufficient wounds inflicted prior to CC and 2) walking through TG/saurus. By...
Against OK the saurus & razor dons/sallies will not do you any great favours. You would be better off dropping them to beef up the TG to 30 and...
Against skaven, I also find that skrox are better than against most other armies. There are several advantages they bring when fighting skaven:...
The new TK can come in a number of different flavours. Having played about a dozen games against them, the biggest threat is the casket of souls...
The only requirement is that the krox are in the 2nd rank of the unit so any combo that meets that requirement is good. The proposed layout is...
No, the thunderstomp attacks do not each do d3 wounds, although it would make carnie amazing if it did :D The main FAQ has a question that...
If the spell is something that allocates a certain number of hits (say a magic missile), then yes, the hits are allocated in the same manner....
You can heal wounds on a steggie but you cannot regrow it once it been killed. As a matter of fact, the regrowth spell actually prohibits healing...
In the first case, the controlling player can allocate the hits as they wish since there are fewer than five rank and file models. However, they...
The biggest worry in that skaven list are the HPAs. Another option I have used dealing with a near identical army is bringing a slaan with the...
Just one more point on the Slaan BSB (or any BSB) fleeing. They are only destroyed if they flee from combat so if the Slaan/BSB flees for any...
I play Brets myself and what everyone here has already recommended makes a lot of sense - use terrain to your advantage to force difficult terrain...
The LD banner does work for the Slaan as long as he is in the unit with the banner. For disciplines, yes, go to three with cogitation, rumination...
For the slaan, cogitation is almost a must have for magic defence. Stealing 6s prevents IF and often leads to failed spells. Also, a warbanner is...
You are playing it correctly as per the rules in the Empire army book and the FAQ. Of note, the FAQ changed the Stank's toughness to 10 so it is...
You are right on all accounts as scaly skin and other armour is cumulative. The only skinks with an armour save are the javelin & shield variants...