That item is wasted on a slann in TG. Apart from the ogre cannon, there are no template weapons in the opposing armies and thus no real threat....
One thing to keep in mind that is that the rule applies on a unit by unit basis. So, in a multiple combat, if a skrox unit with 3 ranks had been...
Dark elves are not limited to throwing 6 dice at a spell so if they have 12 in the pool, they can toss all 12 at a spell. They also have a innate...
The 3 armies you are facing all have very good shooting ( the new ogre leadbelchers are nasty) and the potential for decent but vulnerable combat...
The problem sounds very much to me like a holdover interpretation of 7th ed rules where any character not in the front rank was not allowed to do...
If you do it carefully, you can make sure your scar vet is in contact with one character and then retire the other one. However, if both your unit...
The MR is useful against all spells (MM and direct damage) except the big #6s that don't allow saves. I have found the MR3 quite useful for my own...
Yes, including the darn Stank since it is now classed as a chariot, which means that it can also get regrowth!!
I think the problem with the interpretation stems from people still being stuck in 7th edition mindset. Previously, the stubborn check was only on...
The list is strong in magic and shooting but seems quite light on the combat side with only one large block of infantry. Without the lore of life...
The S&S takes place when the shots can take place - which usually means long range since an enemy within short range is likely too close to allow...
With regard to long range, the giant blowpipes do indeed experience the penalty, along with just about every missile weapon in the game unless...
Given that the point level is only 1800, two large blocks of tough infantry is likely to be sufficient. The skrox do well against HE and, in my...
A fairly balanced list overall. My only comment on the slaan is that the plaque of protection is wasted. He is in the 2nd rank and already has a...
The reference is on page 76 of the BRB under Stubborn.
I generally field 2 units of skrox with 2 krox & 16 skinks + FC. When maximizing shooting, the unit goes 10 skinks wide, allowing all 16 to shoot.
As has already been mentioned, stealing 6s will put a serious crimp in the skaven magic phase. In addition, only stop critical spells like plague,...
Since the bolt thrower uses ballistic skill to hit, it is unlikely the hit the Slaan since the rules state that any unit with 5+ models targeted...
As per page 102 of the BRB, "if a character accepts a challenge, move him into base contact with the challenger,.." I believe the taking them out...
Models can only attack models they are in base contact with or, in the case of supporting attacks, models in base contact with the model in the...