“Salamanders are treated as Monsters for the purposes of the Monster & Handlers rule. The unit may not be joined by characters.” This part of the...
BEEGfrog - I thought the same thing for the first six months of so of 8th edition until I re-read the FAQ.The FAQ says, Page 56 – Salamander...
As others have noted, no swiftstride for steggies or carnies. While sallies and razordons do get it, the rule that grants them this is the...
Just remember it is only spells specifically listed as "Remains in play" and the CoD does not affect spells that last until the next magic phase....
The charge move is resolved exactly as Wolf has indicated - you just measure the straightest line distance between the units and ignore the...
I can't remember off the top of my head if a stubborn character in a non-stubborn unit resulted in the overall unit being stubborn in 7th edition...
Sallies follow the monster and handler rules from the BRB. Under those rules, when all the handlers are eaten, you then take the monster reaction...
The combo I mentioned earlier of a halberd with the Venom of the FFF would work well. It gives S6 along with poison, magical and flaming attacks...
The scar vet with the piranha blade cannot also benefit from the flaming banner as the rules for flaming attacks on pg 69 preclude the stacking of...
Another very good combo for a terradon mounted chief is sword of hornet (ASF) plus the potion of strength. It is a very good method of killing...
Also, like other g/w, you still have ASL when using one when mounted.
To begin with, I am not sure but I think your list is !~100 points over. Also, sallies are rare while terradons are specials - not that it makes...
I had an interesting situation arise on the weekend where a two pack of sallies with only 3 handlers remaining took 6 wounds from a breath weapon...
The BRB FAQ states that special rules don't apply to stomp/thunderstomps so not d3 on swarms/multiwound beasts.
I have fielded a Slaan with Shadow before and it works extremely well since you can reduce your opponents toughness prior to shooting or combat...
Thanks for the comments and observations. I agree that Skaven magic is s problem for the skrox units and I discovered that myself during round 1....
Thanks, that makes sense. At least I have been doing it the right way.
I have been fielding units of 32 skinks c/w 4 krox in horde formation. Since the krox form 80% of the second rank, do the 8 skinks behind them...
Thanks to the will of the old ones and some timely luck, I am through to round 2 of Ard Boyz :D Now, for round 2 the scenarios are quite...
I run packs of 2 each as it is much more forgiving with the lore of life (i.e. one cannon shot can only kill one sallie) and the fact that I...