Yeah yeah... biting blade was more for well... nothing! I figured too many characters; sadly I don't have any more skinks, so the basic twelve...
So I'm heading to the store tomorrow night with the following list: Scar Vet -light armor -Piranha blade -enchanted shield Skink Priest -Level 2...
This one ends in a few hours.... if you're interested nows the time!
Thanks guys! to paint this one similar to the studio colors, I did a base of graveyard earth to the skin (and later all the spins) then washed... ... 0330451014 Just thought I'd share! Thanks!
[attach] [attach] I just finished this blister up for economic gain; just thought I'd share! :)
Are you the same guy that was at uh... one of last years Golden Demon things? I saw similiar basework from some of the pictures from...
Wife has Wood Elves... I figure I'll buy some stuff I like for them as well once I've gottne my lizzies squared away. The lack of armor is...
Thanks guys! Bones/horns = base coat Graveyard Earth. Wash with Badab Black. Reapply the Graveyard Earth. Make a mix of 3-1 Graveyard Earth to...
I like 'em... not sure why though. I can't stand the crawling ones from the last version... I gues I'm weird! :D
Well, it didn't help that I bought her battalion box at 25% off and used money I'd earned selling classic battletech figures on ebay ;) In all...
I'm still waiting for mine so no help... but I know a *little* about the industry/model making business from third parties. Basically, the more...
Thanks guys! she eventualy went with wood elves so now I'm busy assymbling both the elf battalion box and the lizardman one... thanks for your help!!
So I thought I'd share my first WHFB game with you guys. The opponent: my wife. I've gotten her to get the Wood Elf battalion box, book and hero...
So, are there models coming out for Lord Mazdamundi, Gor-Rok, Tetto'Eko, or Oxyotl? Or are these just figures you have to convert yourself to...
Short story: getting the wife into the game and she's narrowed it down to Woodelves or Beastmen. She likes the models for various reasons (wood...
So here's my prototype color scheme finder... I'm pretty happy with him though honestly, the camera just hates my miniatures I guess :(
Hey guys, I'm a Lizardman newbie (no infantry, just a few hero's I've picked up while waiting for the book to show up to figure out what I wanted...
Here is the progress of the Saurus OldBlood/Scar Vet on Cold One and two of my Skinks (a priest and a chief) The bad weather gave me time to mess...
New here... just starting Lizardmen (and WFB) Anxiously waiting for the new book but I've purchased some models in advance (slann, old blood/scar...