They are both lvl 2
Slann BSB (Lore of Metal) Focused of Mystery Focus Rumination Bane Head Dispel Scroll Cupped Hands 16 Temple Guard, with full command War Banner...
Unmodified leadership test, he can't use his generals LD unless it is the general in which you are attacking. and Yes you can bring them back with...
Im playing Saturday in a team battle as some of you know who helped me on my actual list, thx again guys! As I have never played Warriors of...
Sorry miss read some things, like I said Im a VC player so I dont flee. If you can't out manuaver him with lizardmen, then you might as well...
As a VC player, I fear the lizardmen, even before HE. If he is Deathstarring a unit of Blood Knights, which have Frenzy, so just "Kite" them...
I like the list, its quick, only thing I would change is the rod of the storm for Tepok, gives you an additional 16.6% for thunder bolt thats a...
So why is building an army list using the armies strengths cheese? Running two stegs and a Slann has a built in scarcity, you have no CC heroes...
Ya know most of the restrictions are not that bad, but the fact you can't wear red shirts on tuesday or eat taco's before a match, I wouldnt play,...
So next weekend I'm playing in a team battle of 2000 points each side. I’m teamed with high elves and we are playing against the coalition of...
Slann is only a large target for casting spells right?
So I have been playing with Bretonnia a lot lately and I'm going to run the Plaque of Dominion, because as a standard he runs 2 damsels in his big...
So is it just me or do chameleon skinks totally suck now? I ran some with Oxyotl, which shined, but once again the army builder file isnt fully...
So basically a cheesedick way ruin an otherwise fun game.
Yes you are right, I was told by a player that they do not, and took some shot I shouldnt have because of it. what does RAW mean?
So I actually read the codex instead of catching stuff on army builder and noticed that the Carnasuar is no longer a large target. does this mean...