with TG and CoC, the armybook says: may take a magical standard of up to 50 pts, does that count toward the points cost of the unit? i got...
hello, im having trouble making up a color scheme for my razordon my entire army(wich isnt that big) is painted in a lava-like red/orange and...
i just finished reading the magic section of the new rulebook, and is there any good reason to have multiple wizards in your army? the only reason...
imho the pink horrors look ridiculous, the metal ones seemed totally random, wich rly fitted their style, but these are just pink uglies with 3/4...
NETHERLANDS IS IN THE FINALS!! :D time to kick some spanish ass!
good idea i live in Hilversum, Netherlands (also europe :smug:)
i can also recommend the battalion set, it has some nice units and is cheaper than if u buy it all separate
doesn't the overkill count towards normal units in combat resolution? or is that just in challenges
IF lizardmen become playable i don't see kroxigors happening as a playable race, lore-wise a kroxigor would completely wipe out any other class...
okay, i changed it thx for advice
i only got batalion and razordon(cuz i love the model) this list is pretty basic, but i'm gonna buy more lizzies as soon as i'm done painting...
ah, so i was right after all when i played against my bro :D thx for reply
whenever you choose to stand and shoot as a charge reaction, can you do ur shooting(in the movement fase) and then also do close combat in the...
ye, thats kinda true xD but i like dragons ^^
this was just a random idea that suddenly appeared in my mind while eating a sandwich, so it might be a total fail here it is: you have kroq-gar...
i also have a site that works a bit faster imo and u don't have to register for it www.rengels.de click warhammer army lists and then army...
in the main rule book it says that halberds use both hands, but temple gaurd have a halberd AND a shield :O i don't understand, do u have to...
i simply don' t understand why lizardmen don't have something dragon-like thing, i mean: lizardmen: scaly reptillian men dragon: giant scaly...
i have a troll from the skull pass set, and it has this special rule called troll vomit :D but, does anyone know what it does? :chicken:
i think it's a subtle hint from GW that we should use javelin skinks :)