join tyrion in a dragonprince unit and attack skarbrad u will pwn him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color][color=#007dbd]
this high elf tactic most only be readed of lizardmen players (maybe some high elfs players) but dont use it on lizardmens. u can give teclis...
if u give a slann magic restisance (3) and ethereal the slann will pwn!!!!! :rage:
hello all skinks,saurus,slanns,stegadons,salamaders,swarms and all the lizardmen players in this site too...... :D
nice! :walkingdead:
HELP........ have someone a tip in lizardmen vs deamons in 500 points?
i would recomend stegadon if he have a giant and lots of sarusus is good too in cc vs orcboys and an other recomendation is many,many,many skinks....
have some one a lord maztamundi model? :D i want some tips to a converting
begin with paint the whole minature with hawk turquise drybruch the minature with ice blue paint the teeths,the claws and the horns with bleached...