guys im in a right pickle and its driving me mad. Im currently making some skinks for an etc event and ive decided with the new book coming out I...
well im running 2 slann 1 light 1 metal (light metal not quite the same ring as death metal) im struggling to know where to put my metal slann hes...
yeah skinks are probably the best value for money (gw price wise) where other armies get 16 models for £20.50 skinks come with 24 for the same price
does everyone think 2 slann's are the way to go. What about skrox units?
I would build and paint what you have as the rumour is lizards are getting a new book soon (august/October) and no one knows what's getting...
how can lizardmen deal with it. using only standard list stuff saurus,skinks etc
i only use him when i cant fit a fully kitted out slann. so 1250-1500 point games. he goes with saurus
i know people shot thi one down before but he has yet to die in a battle (15 battles so far) oldblood hide of the cold ones talisman of pres...
with regards to the metal slann my has not crushed the plastic bar and ive had it nearly 3 years. although when i got it i didnt do it right....
these dice are great rolled really well in a tournement the other week. they helped 1 unit of skink skirmishers poison 2 slaughterbrutes....
yeah but the best argument on there was this glittering scales says you are -1 to hit in close combat just like the new greedy fist says close...
but they left in the faq part about it working with ranged stuff Q: If a Wizard is hit by a ranged attack from the bearer of the Greedy Fist,...
i couldnt see that on the faq . all i saw was one saying about ranged hits and it said yes Q: If a Wizard is hit by a ranged attack from the...
Does greedy fist work with death spells?
ok just got back from using 9 krox. and while i lost 2 games and wom 1 game i can honestly say il be taking these babys again. They only died in...
quick question similar to this. say 1 of the sallys shoots causes a wound and the unit passes their panic check. now the other sally shoots and...
im taking a unit of 9 to a tournement this sunday. will let you know what happens
very nicley explained. one question though with the chariot on the skinks how where they steadfast i thought skirmishers are only steadfast in...
im sure the faq makes it so it doesnt come from magic allowance it is only a mount
im not doubting their effectiveness i was just asking how to use them.