Game number 4 Yeah – you are right, none other than my new Arc Nemesis the depraved and wicked dark elf player. We played meeting engagement –...
Game number 3 The next game was against my friend with the dark elves. Now please mind you - he is not of the common...
Thanks for the kind words Hilla, I am glad you liked it. And you are right, this time Ix had OrX'fordinna :D In earlier games he failed me a few...
Looking forward to another of your well written and not least nicely illustrated battle reports (can you feel the pressure for some graphics here?...
Game number 2 The next morning at 9.30 it was time to meet my old arc nemesis the Orc and Goblin player and our host for this weekend (he has a...
The Battle of Aros starts for real I turned up at my friend's house Friday at around 6 pm with my suitcase full of freshly painted lizards (and...
Thanks dbgoldberg323, I am glad you liked it. The Battle of Aros will take place this weekend and I am very excited. The banter on the Internet...
Game 5 Ixnogood takes a nap during the battle - big loss for the lizards We played 1500 points again, so I used the same list as last time (see...
Yup Phatmotha-phucka - Aros as in Aarhus (a code for true Aarhus lovers - and now for members of this forum :D ) The city where me and the mates...
In the old days my mates and I used to be regular gamers – playing a few times a week and participating in Danish tournaments etc. Suddenly real...