@ Zwuppie - I really do not want a large unit in the list as that becomes the obvious target for spells, missile fire etc etc I want my opponant...
Ok so have done a small re work Total Roster Cost: 2399 Slann Mage-Priest - 360 pts Battle Standard Bearer, Focus of Mystery Saurus...
I like the idea of the Flanking Saurus, good spot What are people's view on Ethereal/Unstable Slann these days?
Ok small amount of jiggery pokery Slann Mage –Priest Level 4, Lore of High Magic, Focus of Mystery, Battle Standard Bearer, Standard of...
Hi guys, I have been looking at building another MSU army and figured that Lizardmen would be a nice fit for this, however I am not wanting to...
So i was reviewing the Magic Banners provided by the book looking for something a little different to put on my Temple Guard bunker unit (well not...
Hi guys, I have been working on a list for a while now that I would feel happy taking to local tournaments, it does include some self impossed...
Strange the one I'm holding allows Lizardmen to have 4 #shrugs#
Lizardmen Specific Allowances gives you 4 identical core choices and overall a maximum amount of 6 units of Skinks (including skirmishers, skink...
@ Qupakoco, thanks it took quite a bit of shuffling points to be able to get it to this level, problem with going down to blowpipes on the...
I have managed to play the above list in a few test games and came out of the match ups more or less how I wanted to (2 Minor Victories and a...
Total Roster Cost: 2397 Saurus Oldblood - 471 pts Light Armour, Shield, Carnosaur, Sword of Bloodshed, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard...
The Engine of the Gods is an interesting choice, but I want to include a BSB as well. If I put EoTG in the list I'll have to reduce the amount...
What do you guys make of this roster? How as a Lizardmen players would you combat this? ETC Restrictions Runelord - 268 pts Shield Runic Armor,...
Lord Build at the moment is looking like Oldblood Carnosaur Sword of Strife Dawnstone Other Tricksters Shard Heavy Armour Shield Which gives me...
How so? Should still allow me to take 2 units of chamo skinks (maximum of 6, Cohorts with Krox not counted towards this limit)
Ok so having explored a number of possibilities I think that I'm more then likely to be running this for the core Cohort - 299 24 Skinks, Mus,...
Which is why I must have dismissed them first time around Also Stonecutter, thanks for clearing that up for me, so really the question is whether...
Jungle Swarms are actually something that I did not consider using, it would definately give me an interesting option for redirection although I...
Greetings one and all, I will use this post as an introduction as well as my army building tactica if you don't mind? Also Mods apologies if this...