The Ancient is worth about 40pts more than the regular for what it can do. If points are tight taking a regualr steg is a good way to save a few...
Sadly we struggled on the day (a combination of things but over complicated colour scheme being a big one). Also I have strained my hand a little...
I get the GW being Strength 7 but does it make much difference most of the time? What are you thinking you need ST 7 for? With other Lores I would...
There isn't much in the way of variety in the list, aren't you tempted by a Steg/Skink Krox etc. for more variety to deal with things? With Light...
I agree about not taking the Ancient with a Hero a simple Ancient Steg (or even regular Steg) Does almost as good a job. Engine is another option...
Yeah that is the one. Well hopefully I we can get it done. The point is to show what can be done with the right colour choices and painting...
I've done a test model which I think looks quite nice tbh. The army never looks quite like a test model but if I can get close I will be happy. I...
Not Quite sure what you mean by painting style to be honest but it will be basecoat, wash, highlight/drybrushing.
Hi All, I just want to let you know about an event that is happening this Thursday (26th May). Myself and The Two Gamer Radio Crew (Rob and Gill)...