Cheers for the help guys. Looking at it objectively, the second list is a lot better. An extra baiting unit, plus a full extra block (TG) for the...
Those are pretty compelling arguments. Ill have to try them out and see if they suit my gamestyle. Ive never really used a full defensive unit -...
I like the idea of the Amulet on this guy, increases his survivability a lot. Could be enough to hold up that charging unit long enough to get an...
I see what your saying regarding the TG, but im not a huge fan of having the Slann anchored in one spot every game. Makes the list a lot more...
Hey all. Im just about to start building my first Lizardmen army (got 3-4 others so not a beginner) and as always I like to build towards a solid...
Did you use the Rod in this game? I didnt pick it up in the report. Unless im blind... o_O Good win though, the Slann just managing to hold on...
Im planning on taking the RotS on my Slaan. He will be running around by himself (no TG), so im planning using the item in a defensive manner. If...