:depressed: wish I had found this earlier! I just did 16 saurus and 15 skaven clanrats today! And now I cant even join in because im leaving for...
i dont like soul of stone, because there's magic item that lets you roll a D6 for a 2+, if you pass then you ignore your first miscast (but the...
oooh I tend not to think about points/effectiveness, but see how it would be a huge factor. Thanks a lot for your help! I also see how my model...
well now that i know what CoC is, I can reply to that. I really like the cold one cavalry. With a jaguar standard, they can take down a good sized...
ok, I see what you're saying about the champion. I'm really new to this game so that really helps. I'm thinking that I might make the skirmishers...
So I don't really have a max points value, I want whatever I can get out of the battalion, a slann, and a box of temple guards and anywhere from...
ok thanks guys for the help. Really appreciate it.
i cant for the life of me figure this out: I bought the lizardmen battalion and I cant figure out how to assemble my skinks. I want to make them...
to me it seems like lore of life when you're using a slann with focus of mystery is really good, but im still really new to the game (but i love...