thanks sounds great...i can probly just convert my skinks into chamelleons! sweet!
hey guys bday yesterday got bucnha lizzies. wanna make a list that i can compete with around 2000 pt -i want a slann -lots of stegadons -and...
the only prob i have is the javs on the skirmishers could i use those points for saurus..well i assume so, thanks!
pfft...cohorts and javs i highly dislike is there somewere else i could put those points? maybe to bulk up saurus unit?
mmkay so ive made some revisions heres what ive got. skink priest lvl 2 talisman of protection plaque of tepok 20 saurus full command 4x10...
first 1500 pt lizardmen army list: hero- skink priest level 2 talisman of protection core- 20 saurus warriors full cmd 10 skink skirmishers 10...
so that leaves me with 32 saurus 68 skink skirmishers stegadon skink chief with blowpipe skink chief skink priest scar vet and 2 salamander...
12 skkinks come with battleforce 16 suarus 8 col one riders and 10 tg so i should get an xtra box of suares with this? even with only the 12 skinks
oooooooo how do i do thaT is there a thread on it or should i google it?
thanks! what would be a good ist i could run with my models and the battalions? should i get xtra saurus box or temple guard box?
i recently started whfb as lizardmen i picked up a few miniatures on frieday and i have stegadon skink chief with a blowpipe skink chief skink...