I played in the tournament this weekend and took the CoB list as is. I was a little worried about a couple of the armies because they were...
That is my biggest worry with this list. I have the Beam of Chotec off of the Bastiladon to hit regen units and hopefully do some damage but...
Gary_M you're definitely right. I did the copy paste and change in that post but forgot to erase the flame banner.
Got my first test run in with the CO list and It did really good. My opponent rolled pretty terrible but everything pretty much worked out the...
Without taking out the piranha blade I'm not to if I can get the dawnstone in there.
damn meant to erase the flame banner
I played around with the COB list a bit and here is what I have now. Lords; OB - Cold One, Sacred Steg Helm, GW, Tali of Preservation, Other...
I probably won't take him out of the Cold One bus unless I really need to. The 4+ to pass dangerous terrain sounds kind of fun but I think I'm...
Thanks for the feedback classicflava! The tournament isn't comped. I really wanted to try the Piranha Blade but I like the idea of switching it...
Hey guys, I have been trolling the site for quite a while and I gotta say that I really love this forum. There are really great and...