Nice paintjob! Do you have a palanquin to go with it?
It looks very nice! Seeing the carnousar like this makes me tempted to get one of my own. Keep up the good work!
No problem, we're here to help! :)
Pinning is your friend! I pin almost all of my models. Mold lines are annoying as hell, but I've found that the new cleaning kit that GW puts out...
Re: Borks slo mo blog I really like the looks of these guys! Lot's of character, nice find. Xaptl did striped skinks: [attach] Link to the...
Re: Totzro's paintlog The skink rider is finished! I am very happy with this guy :)
Isn't those for the drums?
Oh I see, you are right it gives them a very cold blooded look. Nice job. Btw, what's your recipe for the purple?
I'm with Lord Tsunami on this one, it looks like a bunch of unpainted garden rocks have been glued to the base. Maybe it's the photo, but I think...
Re: Totzro's paintlog Thanx for all the comments and help, I think I'm gonna go for the pruple scheme. Gonna try it out today on this guy!...
What I just noticed now is your black eyes, they look very natural.
Re: Yet to be names Lizardmen army! Great use of the trollblood model! Hordes and warmachine have a great range of fine minatures with really...
Haha, lovely! Kinda makes me want to convert a slann and a unit of temple guards in to a bunch of mafiosos with tom guns with the slann as a mafia...
Re: Totzro's paintlog Thanks for the nice comments :) I've been busy putting my stegadon together lately, but since I'm entering that one in the...
Wow, I'm awestruck! That's what you call details!
I'm working with my conversion of my steg right now, gonna send in a pic today or tomorrow.
That's a fantastic looking army! I Am curious how you painted your jade as me myself is using quite a lot jade in my army. Ps. Is it possible...
I'll guess that you could use this bullsnapper from privateer press
Re: Totzro's paintlog I'll see what I can do about that ;) Great, be sure to post how it goes! And here they finally are, my first fully...
Re: Totzro's paintlog @lord tsunami: Ok, I think I gonna pick some up when they got em in stock again in this town. I agree that the saurus...