oh okay so it's more like the powerfist rule then. okay here is another one when you have kroxigors in a unit of skinks, because the kroxigors...
sorry I'm used to 40k where it works this way and only have the 6th edition rule books but if I have a blade of realities and maiming shield does...
is that wise? I kidnof want to take it becuase it would devastate undead but would is taht to much to spend on somehting in 1500 points? that's...
Really? The book says that it's in addition to casting any spells
I was thinking of putting a skink chief on a terradon with the plaque of dominion swoop in and if things get hairy swoop out. and while I am at...
before I used shield and sword but with the predatory fighters rule gone is using spears the way to go? just wondering if I should be popping off...
okay if I'm fighting a wall of skellies and say for some odd reason I have 4 attacks 3 from just being a skink chief and the 4th from wielding a...
yea things I worry about are his vampire in the cav of wights and his necromancer riding the corpse wagon in a squad of skeletons. last time I...
So I picked up the new codex and am looking for advice for dealing with undead. I see the blessed spawnings are gone which is sad was hoping to...