Welcome :)
Welcome to the jungle :)
Welcome to the site :)
It was a bug, I did mean to fix it but I chose not to for a couple of reasons. Primarily I couldn't be bothered, but also I figured that anyone...
Mentioning stats in sentences is fine, but stat lines are not. GW are free to do what they like with their IP, including posting it on their...
welcome aboard! :)
welcome to the site :)
Very good reply indeed. The downside is that this is a bot and so will not see your reply, although I'm keeping it here for pure awesome :)
Hi, welcome to the site. Please repost the list without individual points costs, as per forums rules, thanks :)
Hi, :) Where abouts do you come from?
Lustria-online are proud supporters of the ENGLISH FOOTBALL TEAM!
We can try to get a chatroom set up if enough people are interested
I put the current smilies in just as a test and somehow they've stuck (probably cos I couldn't be bothered to take them off :P) But if anyone has...
The bots are getting smarter :P
Sorry you had some trouble signing up. Any info you can give about what problems exactly you were having would be much appreciated, and would be...
Congrats dude! :)
There is an entire forum of people's lizardmen lists, have a look there. Once you've had a look, have a go at building one yourself, then post...
What size would you prefer?