Imaginary numbers (or complex numbers) have a rather unfortunate name. They're no more imaginary than the numbers you've been dealing with before,...
pm me the new email
I'm not against army specific tacticas - fill your boots. But I'm not making a new sub-forum for every race, you'll have to link them in sticky...
indexes == good lots of dead forums == bad
[attach] seems to be fixed
I think he means ask the computer to generate a series of random number that simulate dice throws, and then have it work out the combat res from there
You can find something like what you're looking for here
Lustria Online is two years old today! Thanks to everyone who continues to make this the best lizardmen community on the web! :D
you can use the linkeh tags
You can't embed flash into a post. You could host it somewhere else and link to it
perhaps, but I guess there were no genuine players willing to pay a fraction of the price it would cost new. Anyways, sale over, we can close...
I'm personally not the one shipping them, a friend is, so the best thing to do would be ask him (ebay has a function allowing you to ask the...
I quit some time ago, just finally clearing out the cupboard. This forum will keep running, it's not like I post a great deal anyway :P
I am selling some lizardmen models, check the link to see what's on offer I never had the time to get into lizards properly, and after three...
ergo proxy?
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it here :)
Best wishes from the UK and Lustria Online :)
Sounds like everything has sorted itself out now strewart, good on ya dude!
I'm pretty changeable when it comes to drinks. If I'm buying some beers for the fridge then my fave is Carlsberg export. Otherwise I like Carling...