You expect any one to read that? Not even an attempt at paragraphs or punctuation. Get your act together and stop posting like a retard
put the url in the pic tags
you would have to get an admin to do it
Re: Might start a Lizardmen army most people won't simply make a list for you, but if you have a go yourself then you'd get some good feedback :)
nice one Steve, and thanks for all you do for the site :)
Re: posting images just the url of the image, should be able to get it by right clicking and copying image location or something similar
firefox isn't an internet provider, it's a browser. You can have it installed on the same machine as IE
Take your trolling someplace else
sup dude welcome aboard
Hey man, welcome to the site :)
Welcome, I like your taste in music
Hi, there are many sites which allow you to store files. You can host them there and link them on this site, if you have enough stuff, we could...
This is not an army list, so it doesn't go in the army list forum
so why sticky this when it's already in the index?
nice, did you write all this? I can add it to the site faq/tactica index :)
Death Note "You probably don't think I'm a very nice guy..."
wrong subforum
copy the image location into the [pic] tags
I never used to leave home without musicians in my saurus blocks. For their price I find them invaluable.