The tournament has now been played and here are the result. 1. Dark elf 2. Warrior of chaos 3. Deamons of chaos 4. Lizardmen (me) 5. Orc and...
I played a game with this list vs Dark Elf.. Uhm, I lost so hard, 200 - 2400. Then I changed the list to a more melee-list and played vs High Elf....
Oh, this makes the Army-building more intresting. I found it kinda hard to build a tournament list. I mean, a list vs several diffrent classes.....
So a Skink Chief who rides a stegadon counts both their points into Heroes? Same goes with the skink priest with Engine of Gods? Hmm, another...
Thanks alot for your quick reply. I did recalculate yesterday, unfortunately I don´t have the list in front of me atm, but I think I remember all...
Heya at you all! I can see several of threads like this, but i don´t want to "borrow" someone else's thread to post my army list :) So, as the...