Hello to all on LO, I've been gazing through the special characters section of the army book and I was instantly drawn to the little Astromancer....
A big thank you to Lingbei and Arli for their advice on bringing this project into stride! In response to their critique and comments here is a...
Warmest welcomes to you sonofvulkan18! :) Quite an ironic transition choice from 40k to fanatasy if you ask me *laughs*. I like your choice of...
Thank you for your response, I'll make sure to look into that when writing up future lists.
Greetings to all on LO, I come with a (hopefully) simple question regarding skink characters. Can skink characters join a non-skink unit, say...
Thank you for your in-depth review on what I have so far, there's no such thing as over-analysis when it comes to improving an old list! ;)...
Thank you for the warm welcome ryan88! I cannot agree with you more on the points you mentioned about the diversity of Warhammer Fantasy to 40k....
Hey there everyone, here's my short and sweet army list that I used back in the glory days of 7th Edition Rules, I know now that this list is...
Niltze (Nahautl for "Hello") to you all! Coming all the way from Kent, England, I've been looking around this forum for the past few months or...