Oh, I didnt know he got that automatically since the carnie has it. Well then I would save 20 pts and maybe give him a bane head, just in case...
Made it an ancient steg? it already is an ancient steg. Read the EoTG rules, priest may take an ancient steg w the EoTGs, you cant take that on a...
I have used him and he can be very useful. Reducing casting values for any lore is great, and the any double is just dandy. And if you use him in...
I like to run an Old Blood with Burning Blade, Maiming shield, glyph necklace, and carnasaur pendent( The Carnasaur is gonna go frenzied at sum...
I like to run an Old Blood with Burning Blade, Maiming shield, glyph necklace, and carnasaur pendent. He will be dealing out 5 initial flaming...