it depends on which army you're against, against etheral units you won't make it without the scar-vet i don't think this list is cheesy at all,...
Here's my version of a 500 point army (though i never really play that small games) Skink Priest lvl 2 100 Skink Priest lvl 2 100...
in the restrictions you listed it says: "5.) No more than 2 of the same special choices and no double rare, apart from High Elves who may take one...
HAHA yep ! the camera sucks and you we're not far off, it's an 4 year old microsoft live web cam but thanks alot ! i like it too, escpecially the...
Hello people, here is some pictues of my first painted skink from my army NOTE that no ink or washed have been added yet, this is only painted, so...
wow really? then it's my bad, i thought they counted as rare slots. sorry for the mistake there
sorry but you can't have that kind of list, you got 3 rare choices (2 EotG's and 1 salamander pack) if i were you i would scrap the salamander...
first off: i don't think you can even assemble 1000 or 1500 points with the figures mentioned, if we say you use all you got there, and you pump...
Me and a good friend (vampire counts) have been trying out some different lists, and we came across this nice idea of making a bunker army, here's...