okay i dont see any information on this in the AB, but do the units in the army get some sort of buff for taking a plane jane BsB??? ie no magic...
heres a good link http://xenite.wordpress.com/making-scen ... iniatures/ http://www.one-ring.co.uk/phpBB2/kb.php ... icle&k=590 you can also...
awsome I know how im taking my skinks now lol, and with the slann missle casting threw a preist t, and the character being able to charge out of a...
umm can you add a skink priest riding a stegadon into a unit of skinks...I know i can have a necromance r on a corpse cart join a unit but if the...
okay how its written makes me think theres something else supposed to be there to me it looked like its a pack of x# of models and you haev to pay...
ugh the only points costs i see are for the aditional skinks at X# each
okay well I was looking at the rules in the new book and cant for the life of me figure out the posts cost for the razordon hunting packs...can...
nope it was not started but the model is finished just need to base it. [attach]
Okay well I would have made a PLOG but I dont see a spot for one so here is my WIP Slann Mage C&C welcome. [attach]
Okay well I got commissioned to paint for one of my LGS the new stegadon model b4 it was released and after painting it i decided to go with...