Good Content That one is really good!
Talking about thinning paint for dry brushing: I wouldn't do that... or only very little... actually the thicker consistency is good for dry...
Love the tail... the pattern looks great on the main scales shell but a bit weird on the spiky scales on the edge of the shell... shout have done...
I was bored while typing some documents and necessary stuff... so I took a break and started sticking things on my carnosaur conversion... Here's...
I know... but it's worth it... the results will be noticeable different... and these paints also behave much better than the cheap ones when...
Looks like a neat and clean paint job... but (I hate to say it) the brown parts and some of the yellow/ochre parts look a bit grainy... it's...
you're right. and i wouldn't add much... maybe just a slimy drop out of a burst pustule falling on a leaf which turns black and sick...
The basing reminds me of my in law's farm in Zimbabwe... ;) Really great job as always! Painting is top notch. Only thing I'd have to 'complain'...
I sense a great creativity in this one...
Progress... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
You might have colors there that are a bit thick and need some serious thinning... might be a good idea to get some thinner medium... though water...
I heard about Bretonian ladyboys... o_O never thought they were real...o_O:eek: :hilarious:
Excellent job!
I wonder if this was made up or the picture was taken that way by accident... Quality of decollete says it's made up... focus on the minis says...
^Agreed! Really cool indeed!
Preparing some bases for my saurus... Not much else done during the holidays... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Must be some huge trees...
Looking forward to seeing your terradons soon.
Really nice