Well... then... have your like now;)
You Canadians would laugh at this I guess... well depending from which part of Canada...
Winter is coming... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] When it looks like this here... the rest of Germany must be covered in at least 30 cm of snow...
So... still photobucket? I don't see any pictures...
Red is done... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well... with the current output rate no one can speak about slacking... Also the quality of your work is amazing!
Nicely done! Really looking good. Good thing you're playing KOW... the skink by it's side adds a nice little detail to the whole thing! One could...
The Jar jar Binks of sounds...;) In Germany it's a expression that can be used for different things... you mother telling you with alot of words...
So... the saurus race is still in progress... painted the metal parts on half of the yellow unit... no pictures cause it's a minor progress in...
Do I sense a little "mimimi. I'm getting to old for this shit! Mimimi..." ? If so... welcome to the club... in a few years you might even wait for...
In one week there might be a video on YouTube showing a people waiting/camping in front of a cinema in Canada... and one of the Sith lords will be...
Guess who's back... back again... @Bowser's back... tell all friends! Yes he's back! Yes he's back! Yes he's back!
Well... for alpha and musicians it's true that you don't need more than one but @Canas is right about the banners... but we're talking about...
Is this a ghb thing? Always thought the number of banners and musicians is optional... meaning you can have as many as you want... for leaders...
Same from me! I just add this: l really like the warpaint on your saurus... really gives them this kind of tribal warrior vibes...
This daemon girl did a lot of legs in her workout... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The was a mini looking quite like a Slann (froggy and sitting on a throne) somewhere in the 9th age section... and I think @Drimon got one...
^ I thought it was a sea ordering a mc fish a a burger restaurant...
Don't ask why I gave the bones a green undercoat... [ATTACH]
Skirt is done... now just the red lining as last of the bigger surfaces before going into detail... that would be her skyte, the little skull...