scar veteran with burning blades and potion of str in a unit or on his own is usually enough
death ethereal slann with bane head , is a game winner bane head on the bsb, caus one wound, kill bsb, and make sallies win the game with doom and...
feel u have the overload on chameleon skinks, also, make slann your bsb :)
depens on the weight of the dice i guess =) no idea how much it is from us to belgium, i can give u 10 or 12 for transfer?
it helps against every regen unit ;) i could also give the unit the flaming banner and than get ripped by a stubborn 2+wsv vs flaming character.....
becaus it gives flaming attacks which negate regen, my scar vet strikes before my TG meaning, if my scar vet makes one wound on the hydra, it...
since its a low amount of 1500, that solid unit buffed with life is a massive unit! on th eother hand, very much high armour units i wont be seeing =)
ah yea true :(
ait thanks! cant wait xD
i would take a chief with stegadon spear on a steggie and just charghe the hell out of his units :d
the skinks are used to screen my army, and charge redirections, nothing more, terradons could be swapped in some more TG, , chamo skinks are...
yeah thats mainly his task, take down those pesky beasts i could take banner of discipline on the TG and add potion of str instead of VOFFF on...
Slann: mystery , rumination bsb; dispel scroll lore of life Scar veteren of hydra hunting burning blade of chotec dragon helm VOFFF LA shield 20...
Ferocious Lustrous Green/white 15 Scarab Jade/gold 15 if possible ^^ do u transfer to belgium?:)
been using this list in 10games now, and never lost, or never drawed =) ajgainst: VC, ogres, ong, dark elves, Slann: bsb, general; light...