I will certainly have to try it out, now that I know it exists. That is understandable of course, I would just have liked a more...
I think what @Killer Angel meant, is that the box-art behind the rider is cluttering the image a bit. Maybe try putting a paper behind, to get a...
How do you guys feel about Black and White drawings versus colored ones in general? Awesome :D and funny you should say that actually; My...
How did I never see that synergy :facepalm: But yeah I think you are correct, there is just something that does not sit right with me having the...
This next drawing (or drawings) is of a creature of my own design. The core concept was a 'D'. I tried coloring it too, so here here you have it...
So one could say that you are also the 'Slann of Laughs'. ;)
WOW! So how many of those are for posts in 'Just for Laughs'? :p Congrats bringer of night, master of polls - Take a Spider Man :spiderman:
None! All of them should be put down as part of the great plan. Or as an offering to Sotek of course. Regarding actual gameplay... I don't know,...
That is brutal. And if a guy does come running with that, I won't just hope he didn't find a horse, I will get out of his vicinity as quickly as...
Welcome :) The Carnousar is indeed a spectacular model, my own favorite too. :eek: Really?
I guess you're right, it's just bothers me a bit that other armies can get some crazy bonuses to casting that the slann cannot, which seems weird...
Cheat Codes
I can't seem to find it, but I think I remember some early AOS story about kroak pretty much blocking off Nugrle's infulence from a planet (or...
Not at my gaming group, they were the main wrecking crew with Gor-rok at the helm, but I guess that's down to the local meta and how people play....
Just some thoughts (take them with a pinch of salt, since I have not played against dark elves much) If the Dark elves list you are going to go...
:wideyed: That's awesome, Guess that is why I like some of the game's models so much. I like our carnosaur model very much, but the one in the...
Thanks :) It took a lot of different ideas before I settled on that. The models are indeed very nice, much better than the GW ones. GW should...
It is not a meme, but I laughed when I saw it: [MEDIA]
The army of Xlanzec is back, if it ever left, maybe it was just on vacation... anyway I have made some adjustments to my color scheme and begun...
Another Drawing of Batman, because why not, he is Batman after all: [ATTACH]