Dang, that was my idea
Yeah, I guess you can draw lines to many mythologies, probably because the mythologies themselves have similarities. When gods where made to all...
Or the Asterix version: "Sono pazzi questi Romani" Something like: "Those romans are crazy"
I know, but in Greek mythology, some off the gods lived on the mountain. That depends on how you look at it. Sure gold plated statues isn't all...
They could actually make anything. What if the slann just thought: Hey! why don't we make a "Insert whatever you want". They just have to imagine...
I love ed Kroq-gar, so I would like to see him return if GW ever did come back and remake some models. I know he was there, but technically it is...
But Mazdamundi is dead right? So that seems a bit unlikely
I think you are referring to the Troglodon. ;) I think they will make completely new models, taht we have not seen before, or remake some of the...
I think it is partly because there are now other options which are more worthwile than before, so people want to try them out.
I would not complain if they decided to give that title.
I just randomly saw zeus on the internet, and then it hit me, Stormcast eternals look a lot like him in a way. Especially the lightning is a...
A very wild and very unlikely guess: A Dracothion model Or some kind of rule changes
Welcome SlanntaClause You must have been a very nice deamon, to become an angelic being, granted, a scaly, violent and scary angel, but still an...
That is probably not a coincidence, as I took inspiration from the beginning og Jurassic World. @The Sauric Ace If you make a fakemon game with...
whoops, seems like I missed that part. oh well, then it is not as useful in that type of army, even though it might save me some troops, and that...
I will probably try a Cuatl lord with +1 to cast and plus one spell in white magic and tome of arcane lore (6 spells in total) and jade staff....
I like that your army has a consistent feel of bowserness to it.
You don't need to be afraid of showing anything here. The worst that can happen is that you get advice on how to get better, and that is not a bad...
Thanks, it's not that close to the original, but it looks fine when you don't compare it, and the shadows also help a lot. With that said, here...
Maybe he would be a dark/fighting type with a detective ability. Because he's BATMAN