Hmm, well I like the griffon from the island of blood set, and it's a bird, so that's close enough to a dinosaur right? But my number 1 model...
Thanks, it does take some time to make, but I think it's worth it.
I would like to see that
As a Bastiladon?
So I just made this, and I thought: Well it is kind of a dino"saur" so why not share it. [ATTACH]
So, after painting on another set of Cold one cav on and off for something like 2 years, they are finally done [ATTACH]
The way I see all of this is: I think we can all agree that there are some not so great changes in the Saurian Ancients army book, but they were...
If possible I would like to change my "order thingy" to 2x Rex on horned stalker, and 1x Colossus
So where is the Lizards?
Overall I think the changes are very odd. Points going up or down is not that wierd, however it is wierd given the units that recieved a price...
Well as pretty much everyone has said, some nerfs were probably right. Howeever, I think the Carnosaur loosing D3 multiple wounds takes away the...
That, or if you have a Cuatl lord with the path of alchemy Potion of strength is a lot cheaper though
Just an idea Saurian Warlord Blessed sword (divine attacks and re-roll to wound) Crystal ball (lightning reflexes) Armour of fortune (heavy...
The only problem I have with mine, is that the base coat is coming off, even though I have washed them 2 times, and it is the second basecoat....
I think you are right that it cannot score, it sounds right. Would have been nice though, but probably too good.
So I made a list 5. It is essentially a tweak of list 4, but with two scoring units: Lords Saurian Warlord 415 points Alpha...
So a scoring unit, is a unit where in there is a banner, either a standard bearer or battle standard bearer. Unless te unit (or any model in the...
Fair enough, I can see where some of it is comeing from, even if it may or may not be justified. Regarding the Alpha, maybe extend the Aplha...
Well then I would say the problem isn't our army, but the other armies, that need some more synergy
What is the problem with our army exactly? Honestly I cannot see what it is people hate. If it is ow the army plays in general, well, that is just...