I mean, the miniature of the month usually isn't terribly interesting, but a skink might be the most boring model to use for this.
Buff-stacking is fine as a mechanic, though it's a playstyle that's difficult to get right due to the many pitfalls. In the case of skink...
I don't think we ever will. They're simply not very good. The only thing you really get for those extra 105 pts is a sub-par screen. You could...
I mean, there's people trying to push the subscription model into everything, from software to cars. And not enough people seem to mind. So I...
O, it's definitly going to piss people off. However, half-assing two very different playstyles just doesn't work particularly well. For example,...
I do, it just randomly stops every so often for no apparent reason.
Honestly, the simplest fix would be to release more at once instead of this constant barrage over a prolonged time. So instead of releasing 1 book...
Sigh, why do I sometimes lose the various notifications for threads I watch :( But yeah, they do look rather neat :P
I'd hope for the following. Actually decide what playstyle Seraphon are supposed too have. Starborne & Coalesced are too different, and as long...
The goblins are finally getting their wolfriders as a proper unit, and not just an underworlds warband.
A skitarii Marshal. I like how the metal bits turned out. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Just toning down damage output in general would already help, cuz while support characters are by far the biggest victims of the lack of terrain &...
Why did you have to mention the banner? Now all I see is that it's suspiciously empty. :(
That's one of the fundamental things they got wrong with AoS. Support heroes on foot are absurdly easy to kill, and the tools to protect them are...
I think we've seen something similar to it in an earlier form for path to glory or something as well.
STD are getting a relativly interesting, but possibly immensly frustrating, new mechanic in their new tome. Looks neat, but the randomness might...
I mean, essentially this update just boils down to "we nerf your core-models, so all your lists are more expensive". It doesn't really matter if...
And the orks commandos from the starter box are done as well. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Right, thought warcry just came with a bunch of predefined models and you just choose between the models, not between specific load-outs for...
Honestly, could just be an alternative spear for the chameleon leader. He already has a significantly fancier spear than skinks usually get....