Fair enough, though at that point everything's a beastmen model if you imagine hard enough :p
Is it though? Cuz it also wears proper armour and weapons and not just the basic slabs of metal beastmen use & has minions that carry similarly...
Honestly, it's too space marine-like. It's more classicly dwarvish than the earlier Votann stuff with the addition of runes, beard &...
I just wish the models were available outside of warhammer+. They look neat enough.
O sure, it's by no means some super broken ability or something. Though some interactions with their lore might be a tad questionable when it does...
Nope, it's just Kroak. Which honestly is a missed oppertunity. Also, look a lumineth that gets to trigger the same spell twice, cuz why not....
It could just be Mazdamundi 2.0, or even just a generic slann. An alternative slann that can actually do something other than hide in the back...
Some kataphron destroyers that are quite dirty after presumably destroying some stuff. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
O cool :p Unless we see an actual seraphon warband it's probably going to be limited to that one line of fluff. The terrain does look rather good...
meh, maybe they'll actually properly hire the playtesters then so they can have actual consequences for leaking. Right now playtesters are...
I mean, they are pretty explicit that this is the only thing affected by the veteran rule. It's not really ambiguous.
It's all just a bit silly and game-y as scaly skin now makes even less sense fluff-wise due to it's inconsistent behaviour. And knowing GW, it's...
Ah, I misunderstood then. That is how GW defined destruction though. As the various races who's sole purpose in life is to get into fights. Which...
Fair enough, but that isn't really an issue with boxed armies themselves. My issue is that literally every Tzeentch box released contained...
O look, more freaking Tzaangor. Can Tzeentch please get a box that isn't filled with Tzaangor? In general, it feels a bit like they just threw...
I wouldn't be surprised if they'd remove the distinction between spears & clubs entirely. They've done it with several other units that were...
Ogres & certain troggoths can become veterans, so can't be that tight. So can crypt flayers, and they'd need a lot of space if they'd want to be...
Ah, thought it was just part of the baseline veteran nonsense. In that case nevermind :p The thing that confuses me is flavour-wise it doesn't...
I mean, fair enough, if you only want your saurus warriors to be bodies to be thrown into the meatgrinder for an objective they're probably decent...
Yeah that too. Even in the situations where they should perform well defensively thanks to scaly skin, the AB etc. you still run into the issue...