I mean, being able to fight in 2 ranks doesn't solve the fact that saurus warriors are relativly easy to kill, aren't particularly fast & don't...
I mean, even with Scaly skin Skink heroes died when you looked at them funny... Really wish they'd do something about that. The best possible...
So, Coalesced now no longer have any allegiance ability that actually works as it is written in the tome? Clearly the best designed faction ever...
That is a rather long list of changes. Even ignoring the bloat in complexity, it also just feels like a bit too much to change over a single GHB....
yeah, mostly it was just an experiment with the seraphim sephia. Which didn't work out entirely as I wanted too. It looks better in real life...
Basecoat of corax white Layers of Seraphim sephia for the brown. Balthasar gold for the gold
I mean they're elfs what did you expect? It now only ever kills 1 model? This feels very weird. And yeah, definitly feels like something the...
There actually are several layers of sepia to try and create a brown for the main body of the guns. With either a bronze or gold to highlights...
Sylvaneth get to choose the seasons now. Which is a tad of a weird ruleset to give fluff-wise, choosing which season you're fighting.
Turns out to just be new shades. Not sure why shades needed a teaser, but I guess it's nice.
More skaven rules. Seems like a good rule to make hordes feel a bit easier to use without needing weird formations.
eh.. okay? Bit of a weird thing to release a teaser for, without actual information about what's new it's hard to get excited for something like this.
The first half of an adeptus mechanicus combat patrol [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
ah ok. Don't forget, they also ressurect more models than usual with rally. Cuz of course they do :p Pretty much, the only thing that'll really...
wasn't there a leak of the full pointlists of sylvaneth a little while back?
Rules for the new sylvaneth flyers. Anyone remember their pointcosts? This seems like rather nice rules in theory.
Skaven clan rules. They're neat, especially masterclan's "three clawsteps ahead"
What if we convince them it'll buff the elfs?
To be honest what confuses me most about the removal of strength/thoughness is that their other two games still use it. If it was so complicated...
The issue in your example isn't the aura. It's that they have 5 separate easily accessible buffs for some inexplicable reason that all neatly...